Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Parents

What I thought most funny about Halloween night is this...
My house is pretty scary, I have the haunted music going, the fog machine, the fake Grim Reapers, as well as live Reapers, spider webbing everywhere, bats, bones, graves, gravestones... you get the picture. Well, as the adults were walking through my "'grave yard gate", the parents would put their kids on the side of the scary Reaper!! You would think that as a parent you would want to keep your kid out of harms way, right? Not these parents, oh no... and when the kids jumped at the site of a real person under the costume, the parents would inevitably say,"you're not afraid of that are you?", as the parent hurries down the sidewalk ahead of their kid! Just too funny...


Why do parents take their kids to people's houses and then say..."thanks for scaring the crap out of my kid!"??? If you didn't want your kid to be scared, then ya should have left them at home!
I love all hallows eve! It gives adults the chance to be kids again and dress up!
What annoys me about this most festive day is that some people send their kids out with no costume! I mean how hard is it to put some holes in an old cardboard box and write "Tide" across the front??? Or take an old sheet and make a ghost out of it. Have people really forgotten how to make their own costumes or use a little imagination?! Infants at Halloween are cute, but come on... are they really going to eat all that candy??
It was another successful year at scaring the bejesus out of kids! Get a couple of high school boys who want to dress up like the Grim Reaper, give them a couple of fake axes and knifes and sit back and watch the kids not even attempt to come up to the door... priceless!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Another first gone

It's funny how the older you get the less you have as "firsts". I am no longer a virgin in the blogging community. I have a lot to learn and a lot to say, bare with me as I muddle my way through.