Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still here

The rains have not washed me away yet.
So much that I want to say, just not sure where to start.

How do you help a friend that doesn't want to be helped?
How do you save a marriage that has no love?
How do find love and compassion in a job that sucks it out of you every day?
How do you make sense of a world that preaches love, tolerance, and peace but doesn't lead by example?
How do we save the planet when we can't even save ourselves?
How do you look a child in the eyes and tell them everything will be alright, when you have some much telling you it won't?
Where is hope? What does it look like?
What is life supposed to be about?


Butterfly Angel said...

Hey there...I hope you are getting some rest!

'How do you find love and compassion in a job that sucks it out of you every day?' Thank God for spring break ~ I have tried to find at least one positive event that happened each day to help keep me sane. It might not even be work related.
Take care,

Wonko D. Sane said...

It is not easy to reach out to those who have known nothing but facing life alone. You can not save a marriage that is not your own. You find strength in those who you reach. You find love within yourself before it can touch others...


Butterfly Angel said...

I hope that you are getting some rest before the final push... Happy Easter to you and your son.

Butterfly Angel said...

Happy Mother's Day! I miss you posting...hope all is well.