Tuesday, June 23, 2009



This is a cool site... need to figure out how to put the number on my actual post?!

Turning 40????

Now that I have control of the computer, let me tell you what I am really having trouble with.... turning 40!
Where did that number come from anyway??? It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting at a bonfire hoping I wouldn't get caught drinking a wine cooler!
What happened to the time??
I feel like I have been cheated! I wanted to go clubbing more, listen to cool music and see the world... I wanted to attend at least one LOVE Fest in Europe before I was too old to go! I want to still go to a concert and not bitch and complain about people being in my way, while I sit my ass down!!!
I still want to experience the unending energy that I had in my 20's! I want to still have the energy to party all night and still make it to work in the morning without a 3 day hangover!
I still want to have sex.... and good 8 hour sex!!!!! Not this 20 minutes and then get the f*** off of me my hips hurt crap!
I know 40 is the new 30 but really... why do they make such a big deal out of it. You go to the party store and everything for your 40th is "Over the Hill"????
Before you send me a comment telling me that age is how you feel.... YEAH I GET THAT!!! BUT I CAN STILL BITCH ABOUT IT! I have found that in the last year especially, things just don't move like they used to, bend like they used to, and parts of my body feel like they needs a lube job!!
I sure hope that we are reincarnated... cause I need to definitely do this again!!
I just hope that I can stay together long enough to find what I am truly looking for!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


You have bewitched me
body and soul
your eyes capture me
and hold me
your voice soothes me
and comforts me
your hands hold me
and keep me safe
your kiss...
awakens me

wondering what your world is like
what your life is like
what your true thoughts are
what it is you want out of life
I am in awe of your gentle nature and your kind soul
how you put others before yourself
and never question when a friend is in need.

laugh at myself...

I appreciate all the wonderful comments from BA and Wonko, you guys are the best! You introduced me to the world of blogging and I love it. I just can't help but laugh at some of my self pity, loathing, depressing entries. Can you tell school was in and the kids were driving me crazy....
AAAAhhhhhhh but summer is here and like Wonko once said, teachers don't measure the year from January to December, it really ends in June and the new year starts in August. I can't wait for a new batch of minds to corrupt!!! LOL.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How much is too much

How do you know when it's too much?
How do people get into relationships too fast or too slow?
Are there rules written somewhere that actually tell you what you should or shouldn't say to someone? Or should you just be swept up in the moment?
Why do friends tell you to take a relationship slow?? What exactly does that mean? You would think that at my age these questions would be simple to answer but there not!
Can you be honest to a fault? Can you say too much? Or not enough? Can you have all the hope in the world that this will finally be the one and then turn and run because you are too scared?
A friend told me the other day that I should learn to just let go...
I think I might have to actually listen to that friend and see what happens...