Friday, July 31, 2009

The dreams have started...

I know I am not the only teacher that has "nightmares" before the start of the school year. Why after teaching so many years do I still get anxious? Are these unresolved issues from the previous year? Are they left over frustrations from the previous years kiddo's? Or is it that I am working out issues with the adults that I teach with, maybe the dreams have nothing at all to do with the kiddo's. Maybe it's the anxiety of having to deal with the same dumb ass people again!
You know education really does not have to be this difficult. Why does everyone feel they have the answer to our educational "problem"? There really is no problem, if politicians and school boards just allow the teachers to do their damn jobs!
If a student doesn't want to go to school, great... go out and get a damn job. Don't allow them to get on welfare until they have at least contributed to taxes that pay for welfare or they actually get their education.
Students don't want to behave... kick them out!!! If they would rather disturb and distract other students who do value their education, then get the flip out and GO TO WORK!!!! Sooner or later these same students are going to be sitting in a GED class wishing they had taken advantage of their education when they had a chance! I really find it hard to feel sorry for these kids, when there are kids in third world countries selling themselves for money, just to be able to pay for their education!
I think we should implement the "three strikes your out" rule for students... you screw up three times and your outta here!!!
OOOOOOOkkkaayyyyy... off my soap box for now, to be continued I'm sure... when school is in full swing!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

define clingy...

Guys say they don't want a girl who is clingy...
What does that mean?
What does clingy look like?

Do you hide your true feelings of wanting to be near that person?
Does it keep you from saying the things you really want to say?
Should it hinder your feelings towards that person?

How do you not say too much, but still say enough?
How do you show enough of yourself? What's the limit? Is there a limit?
Does all this really matter, when you look into each others eyes and just know, without saying a word?

The right decision

hallelujah.... she has made the right decision!
The road to happiness will be long and hard.
Keep in mind however, the way you felt when you started this journey and remember that it is ok to not always agree.
Compromise is the key, individuality can still be achieved in a relationship.
Nothing says you have to act the same, look the same, or think the same.
Appreciate the differences and build on them.
Respect and trust in one another however, is key!

The root of all evil...

Why is money the root of all evil?
Marriages break up over it,
Companies rise or fall because of it,
People will sell their souls for it!

Why can't we live in a society that bases wealth on the common good, instead of the individual gain?

I guess my real concern here is that a very close relative of mine is making the biggest mistake of her life, based on money!
I wish there was something I could do to make her see the mistake she's about to make. Why do we insist on learning everything the hard way??
Why can't I show her in a crystal ball the effect of her decision, not only on herself but the rest of the family as well!
I understand her need to be able to take care of herself and her child, but there are other ways besides moving 400 miles away.
At what point do you just wash your hands of the whole thing and hope that she doesn't fall flat on her face, crying to come back home.
I see what is going to happen; she will move far away(asking for money to do it because she hasn't saved up anything to do it on her own), have no support whatsoever, realize that it is harder than it looks and then beg for someone to come bail her out and move her back home!!
Money isn't everything! Family, friends, people that will be there for you when you are sick, lonely, tired, or broke is what should be important. Independence is a great thing when you can do it on your own.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

School again...

Already people are asking me when school is starting! I tell them, "too soon" they tell me, "not soon enough"
I do enjoy my summers, but honestly...
I am ready to get back to work, back to my routine and the predictability of it. I have to say that being able to get up whenever, do whatever, and go to bed whenever... gets boring.
I helped work on a house my mother bought. The time went by entirely too fast! And I still have a lot of work to do. But I am ready to see what challenges there will be this year.
Eager to see if this year continues to be as surprising as this summer was!
To my fellow educators...
may the force be with you! We continue to go through changes in our district and I just hope and pray we come out of this year ALIVE!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When you just know...

How is it people can meet and fall in love instantly??
What is it that makes it possible?
Can it be explained? Can you read about it somewhere?
Do you just trust your instincts that it is what it is?
How do you not look into someones eyes and wonder, "what the hell took you so long to get here!".
Do we go through all the "other" relationships to learn how to appreciate the one that is really going to matter?

The wonder of Facebook

It's official, I am now on Facebook! Not sure what the hell I am doing, but it is great to get in touch with people I haven't seen in a long time!
Truly though, I think I would rather blog!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Birthday... 40! Yikes

Ok, so the birthday thing came and went!
Not what I was expecting in so many ways!
The family totally fell through, I thought for sure someone was going to throw me a "wake" and make everyone dress in black and so on... no such luck!
The only bright part to my birthday was YOU! You know who you are...
A girl could get used to being spoiled this way! You have set the bar very high, and I only hope that I can do the same for you! Thank you again!
40 is the new 20 right???

so much to say...

I will wait for you. It seems that when I share my emotions with someone, I end up getting slapped in the face. Why is it women build up so many walls when it comes to relationships?? Do men do the same thing?
I still believe in love at first sight... I still believe that there truly is someone for everyone!
I think we get caught up in all the bullshit about what's appropriate and what isn't in a relationship. I don't think enough couples talk about the REAL issues... like, who's going to cook dinner? Who's going to put the kids to bed? Who's going to mow the yard, change the oil, wash the clothes....and the list goes on. I think that couples who can honestly talk about what the expectations are are the ones that make it. The couples who talk instead of argue survive, those that remember why they are with that person in the first place.
Eyes tell the story... I think a few of you would agree, that you can tell exactly how a person is feeling just by looking into their eyes.
Question: Is there a difference between sex and making love??? I have always thought there was! I believe you can't make love to someone unless you are absolutely 100% in love with them??? And do you hurt someones feelings when you say that it's only sex?? The physical part is still there, just not the break your heart later, stomp all over it and pour salt in it to make it hurt just a little bit more, part! To me it is a very big step in a relationship to actually want to make love, you not only put the physical into it, but the emotional... you open yourself up and become vulnerable to that person.
I don't know, my head is all messed up right now, I don't know which way is up or down... the once confident, charismatic, don't need a man cuz I can do it on my own!... has been reduced to a blubbering, babbling, pile of girliness muck (yes, girliness muck is in the dictionary, look it up!). What's a girl to do???